12 research outputs found

    Unsupervised Learning of Style-sensitive Word Vectors

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    This paper presents the first study aimed at capturing stylistic similarity between words in an unsupervised manner. We propose extending the continuous bag of words (CBOW) model (Mikolov et al., 2013) to learn style-sensitive word vectors using a wider context window under the assumption that the style of all the words in an utterance is consistent. In addition, we introduce a novel task to predict lexical stylistic similarity and to create a benchmark dataset for this task. Our experiment with this dataset supports our assumption and demonstrates that the proposed extensions contribute to the acquisition of style-sensitive word embeddings.Comment: 7 pages, Accepted at The 56th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL 2018

    Bipartite-play Dialogue Collection for Practical Automatic Evaluation of Dialogue Systems

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    Automation of dialogue system evaluation is a driving force for the efficient development of dialogue systems. This paper introduces the bipartite-play method, a dialogue collection method for automating dialogue system evaluation. It addresses the limitations of existing dialogue collection methods: (i) inability to compare with systems that are not publicly available, and (ii) vulnerability to cheating by intentionally selecting systems to be compared. Experimental results show that the automatic evaluation using the bipartite-play method mitigates these two drawbacks and correlates as strongly with human subjectivity as existing methods.Comment: 9 pages, Accepted to The AACL-IJCNLP 2022 Student Research Workshop (SRW

    N-best Response-based Analysis of Contradiction-awareness in Neural Response Generation Models

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    Avoiding the generation of responses that contradict the preceding context is a significant challenge in dialogue response generation. One feasible method is post-processing, such as filtering out contradicting responses from a resulting n-best response list. In this scenario, the quality of the n-best list considerably affects the occurrence of contradictions because the final response is chosen from this n-best list. This study quantitatively analyzes the contextual contradiction-awareness of neural response generation models using the consistency of the n-best lists. Particularly, we used polar questions as stimulus inputs for concise and quantitative analyses. Our tests illustrate the contradiction-awareness of recent neural response generation models and methodologies, followed by a discussion of their properties and limitations.Comment: 8 pages, Accepted to The 23rd Annual Meeting of the Special Interest Group on Discourse and Dialogue (SIGDIAL 2022

    Target-Guided Open-Domain Conversation Planning

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    Prior studies addressing target-oriented conversational tasks lack a crucial notion that has been intensively studied in the context of goal-oriented artificial intelligence agents, namely, planning. In this study, we propose the task of Target-Guided Open-Domain Conversation Planning (TGCP) task to evaluate whether neural conversational agents have goal-oriented conversation planning abilities. Using the TGCP task, we investigate the conversation planning abilities of existing retrieval models and recent strong generative models. The experimental results reveal the challenges facing current technology.Comment: 9 pages, Accepted to The 29th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING 2022


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    日本電信電話株式会社NTTメディアインテリジェンス研究所京都大学電気通信大学(株)NTTドコモ(株)富士通研究所東北大学 / 理化学研究所国立国語研究所国立国語研究所日本電信電話株式会社NTTコミュニケーション科学基礎研究所NTT Media Intelligence Laboratories, NTT CorporationKyoto UniversityThe University of Electro-CommunicationsNTT DOCOMO INC.Fujitsu Laboratories, LTD.Tohoku University / RIKEN AIPNational Institute for Japanese Language and LinguisticsNational Institute for Japanese Language and LinguisticsNTT Communication Science Laboratorie

    N-best Response-based Analysis of Contradiction-awareness in Neural Response Generation Models

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    Proceedings of the SIGdial 2022 Conference, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, UK. 07-09, September, 2022Avoiding the generation of responses that contradict the preceding context is a significant challenge in dialogue response generation. One feasible method is post-processing, such as filtering out contradicting responses from a resulting n-best response list. In this scenario, the quality of the n-best list considerably affects the occurrence of contradictions because the final response is chosen from this n-best list. This study quantitatively analyzes the contextual contradiction-awareness of neural response generation models using the consistency of the n-best lists. Particularly, we used polar questions as stimulus inputs for concise and quantitative analyses. Our tests illustrate the contradiction-awareness of recent neural response generation models and methodologies, followed by a discussion of their properties and limitations